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What are the main difference in between PowerShell and Command Prompt?
Question Posted on 10 Dec 2023Home >> PowerShell >> PowerShell >> What are the main difference in between PowerShell and Command Prompt?

What are the main difference in between PowerShell and Command Prompt?
Below are the main difference in between PowerShell and Command Prompt:-

NumberBase of differencePowerShellCommand Prompt
1YearWell when we say about the PowerShell it was introduced in the year 2006.Well when we say about the Command Prompt it was introduced in the year 1981.
2LinuxWell when we say about the PowerShell, it supports Linux systems.Well when we say about the Command Prompt, it will not support Linux systems.
3Type of ProgramWell when we say about the powershell, it can be used to run the all types of programs.And when we say about the Command Prompt, it can run only console type programs.
4Cloud ProductsWell when we say about the Cloud product from microsoft in powershell we can connect them.Well when we say about the Command Prompt, this will not have ability to connect with MS online products.
5WMIWhen we will say about the Powershell, it can integrate directly with WMI(Windows Management Instrumentation). And there are several native WMI cmdlets that exist in PowerShell without having to install any additional modules.Well when we say about the command prompt, to connect with WMI we need soem external plugin to do interactions with WMI.
6LibrariesWhen we say about the PowerShell, it has access to programming libraries as we know it is built on .Net framework.Well when we say about the command prompt, it has no access to libraries.
7ISEWell, PowerShell has an ISE(Integrated Scripting Environment).Well when we say about the command prompt there is only a command line interface and no separate ISE.
8RunWell to open Powershell we need to run by typing PowerShell.Well to start command prompt and by typing cmd we can run it.
9CommandsWell in PowerShell we can operate with both Batch commands and PowerShell cmdlets.Well on another and here we can work only with Bacth commands.
10creation of aliasesWell PowerShell will provides the ability to create aliases for cmdlets or scripts. This can help the user to navigate between the functions easily.Well when we say about the command prompt, this will not support the creation of aliases of commands.
11OutputWell when we say about the Powershell output, we can use powershell cmdlet output to other cmdlets.Well when we say about the output, we can not use output to another command or we can say Output from a command can not be passed on to other commands.
12Output formWell Powershell output is in the form of an object.Command prompt output from a command is just text.
13Multiple CommandWell when we say about the Powershell, we can execute sequence of cmdlets put together in a script.Well in cmd, a command must be finished before the next command is run.
14HelpWell, help command is available to get informationregarding any cmdlets.No such help option is available for information regarding commands.
15Change the directory locationPowershell cmdlet: Set-Location ” D:\testfolder”CMD command:- cd /d D:\testfolder
16List Files in directoryPowershell cmdlet: Get-ChilditemCmd command: dir
17Rename a filePowershell cmdlet: Rename-Item “c:\file.txt” -NewName “new.txt”Cmd command: rename c: \old.txt new.txt
18Stop a processPowershell cmdlet: Get-Help “Cmdlet name”Cmd command: help [commandname] [/?]
19Shutdown local systemPowershell cmdlet: Stop-ComputerCmd command: Stop-Process -Name “ProcessName”
20Restart the local systemPowershell cmdlet: Restart-ComputerCmd command: shutdown /s
21Get ip address Powershell cmdlet: Test-Connection -ComputerName (hostname) Cmd command: shutdown /r


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