Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Page 3 (Dumps)

Question No:-21

A key metric in Six Sigma is the DPMO which stands for __________________?

  1. Delayed production metrics output
  2. Defects by management oversight
  3. Defects per million opportunities
  4. Developed production management oversight


Question No:-22

Cycle Time, Defects, Scrap Cost and Safety are examples of business metrics or commonly referred to as which of the following?

  1. Defects per Unit
  2. Key Performance Indicators
  3. Impediments to Flow
  4. Hidden Costs


Question No:-23

To construct a Fishbone Diagram and capture all the issues of interest it is best if your team uses the ________________ approach.

  1. Graphical
  2. Data collection
  3. Shewhart
  4. Brainstorming


Question No:-24

A 5 Why Analysis is used to help identify possible defect causes when which one of the below listed tools is created?

  1. Fishbone Diagram
  2. SIPOC
  3. X-Y Matrix
  4. Pareto Chart


Question No:-25

The purpose of a Process Map is to identify the complexity of the process and to assist in identifying ______________ in the process.

  1. Critical steps
  2. Line operators
  3. Test stations
  4. Defects


Question No:-26

At the start of a project we are told to `walk the process` from beginning to the end. We do this to_____________________.

  1. Meet the workers
  2. Draft a Process Map
  3. See what inventory is involved
  4. Check the repair stations


Question No:-27

The `Method` category of Root Causes on a Fishbone Diagram is primarily used to generate ideas as to the possible causes for defects by the ____________.

  1. Inventory management
  2. Effects of the environment
  3. Way work is done
  4. Parts or forms used


Question No:-28

When we create a Process Map we use a __________ to show the direction of work flow.

  1. Solid line arrow
  2. Dashed line arrow
  3. Series of dots
  4. Double lines


Question No:-29

At the beginning of a project we must keep in mind there are basically three views of a process:

What you THINK it is, What it ACTUALLY is and What is DOCUMENTED.

  1. True
  2. False


Question No:-30

One of the primary deliverables from performing a SIPOC is to begin to understand which inputs have the greatest affect on the ____________ most valued outputs.

  1. Business's
  2. Employee's
  3. Management's
  4. Customer's

1 | 2 | 3 | 4

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