ServiceNow CAD Exam Page 5 (Dumps)

Question No:-21

Which roles grant access to source control repository operations such as importing applications from source control, or linking an application to source control? (Choose two.)

  1. source_control
  2. source_control_admin
  3. admin
  4. git_admin


Question No:-22

When configuring the content of an Email Notification, which syntax should be used to reference the properties of an event triggering the Notification?

  1. ${event.}
  2. ${current.}
  3. ${.getDisplayValue()}
  4. ${gs.}


Question No:-23

Which one of the following is true for a Script Include with a Protection Policy value of Protected?

  1. Any user with the protected_edit role can see and edit the Script Include
  2. The Protection policy option can only be enabled by a user with the admin role
  3. The Protection Policy is applied only if the system property value is true
  4. The Protection Policy is applied only if the application is downloaded from the ServiceNow App Store


Question No:-24

Which one of the following is true for GlideUser (g_user) methods?

  1. Can be used in Client Scripts and UI Policies only
  2. Can be used in Business Rules only
  3. Can be used in Client Scripts, UI Policies, and UI Actions
  4. Can be used in Business Rules, and Scripts Includes


Question No:-25

When configuring a module, what does the Override application menu roles configuration option do?

  1. Users with the module role but without access to the application menu access the module
  2. Self-Service users can access the module even though they do not have roles
  3. Admin is given access to the module even if Access Controls would ordinarily prevent access
  4. Users with access to the application menu can see the module even if they don't have the module role


1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

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