ServiceNow CAD Exam Page 4 (Dumps)

Question No:-16

When working in the Form Designer, configuring the label of a field in a child table changes the label on which table(s)?

  1. base table
  2. child table
  3. parent table
  4. all tables


Question No:-17

Which one of the following is true?

  1. A UI Policy's Actions execute before the UI Policy's Scripts
  2. The execution order for a UI Policy's Scripts and Actions is determined at runtime
  3. A UI Policy's Scripts execute before the UI Policy's Actions
  4. A UI Policy's Actions and Scripts execute at the same time


Question No:-18

Here is the Business Rule script template:

This type of JavaScript function is known as:

  1. Constructor
  2. Scoped
  3. Anonymous
  4. Self-invoking


Question No:-19

Which method call returns true only if the currently logged in user has the catalog_admin role and in no other case?

  1. g_user.hasRole('catalog_admin')
  2. g_user.hasRoleExactly('catalog_admin')
  3. g_user.hasRoleOnly('catalog_admin')
  4. g_user.hasRoleFromList('catalog_admin')


Question No:-20

There is a basic strategy when creating a Utils Script Include. Identify the step that does not belong.

  1. Identify the table
  2. Script the function(s)
  3. Create a class
  4. Create a prototype object from the new class


1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

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