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What is connection pooling and its parameter
Question Posted on 19 Sep 2011

Home >> DotNet >> ADO.NET >> What is connection pooling and its parameter

When we are talking about application.Database connection is most important and resource buring task. Opening database connection is time consuming and may be verys slow task.Most of the applications need to execute any query on the database server, a connection need to be established. Connection pooling increases the performance of the applications by reusing the active database connections instead of create new connection for every request.
Connection Pooling is the ability to reuse the database connection for more than one user. That connection might be SQL, OLEDB, ORACLE or whatever. This way of organizing connections in a smarter manner improves performance as the applications do not need to open and close the connection multiple times.
Connection pooling Behavior is controlled by the connection string parameters.
(1)Connection Lifetime - The time of Connection Creation will be compared to the current time. If this period exceeds the Connection Lifetime value that is set, then object pooler destroys the connection. The default value is 0; this will give the maximum timeout for connection.
(2)Connection Reset - To reset the connection after it was take out from the Connection pool. The default value is true.
(3)Max pool size - Maximum number of connections allowed within the Connection pool. The value is 100 by default.
(4)Min pool size - Minimum number of connections allowed within the Connection pool. The value is 0 by default.
(5)Pooling - To set the connection Pooling if it is true, the connection is drawn from the pool or created if no connection available from the pool. The value is true by default.
(6)Connection Timeout - Maximum Time (in secs) to wait for a free connection from the pool. The value is 15 by default.
(7)Incr Pool Size - Controls the number of connections which are established, when all the connections are used. The value is 5 by default
(8)Decr Pool Size - Controls the number of connections which are closed when most of the established connections are unused. The value is 1 by default

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