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Write down some differences in between Node.js and PHP?
Question Posted on 09 May 2022

Home >> PHP >> PHP Questions >> Write down some differences in between Node.js and PHP?

Write down some differences in between Node.js and PHP?
Below are the some common differences in between Node.js and PHP

Base of DifferenceNode.jsPHP
Powered byNode.js is mainly powered by Google v8 Javasript Engine.PHP is mainly powered by Zend Engine.
Speed and PerformanceNode.js is faster then PHP due to its non-blocking mechanism.PHP is also fast but due to some reason which makes Node.Js faster than php that are (1)Due to database (2)Due to some third-party request (3)Due to file system.
Used by CompanyTop company that uses Node.Js are IBM, GoDaddy, NetFlix, LinkedIn, Paypal and Walmart are the adopters of Node.js.Top company which use PHP are Facebook, Wordpress, Yahoo, Wikipedia, Flickr etc.
Runtime EnvironmentNode.js is JavaScript Programming Language which is mainly runs on the server and which is used to make web pages dynamic and interactive.PHP is very straightforward to install and use at server-side.
Execution SpeedNode.js is faster than PHP and lightweight as compare to PHP.PHP is slower when we compare this with Node.js.
WebServerNode.js not need any WebServer to execute and its mainly runs in its own environment.PHP need Apache WebServer to execute the code.
Base CodeBasic code for Node.js is Console.log('Hello Node.js User');Basic code for PHP is echo 'Hello PHP User';
FrameworkThere are many popular frameworks like Meteor, DerbyJS and Express etc.Like Node.js there are many frameworks for PHP too like Laravel, CakePhp etc.
ExecutionNode.js is totally asynchronous.PHP is synchronous except some APIs.
ComplexityNode.js is not very complex but you need to add more lines of code and callback functions.PHP is simple than Node.js
Compatibility with OthersHere Node.js will only contain JavaScript.On the other hand PHP contain HTML, CSS, JavaScript and even plain text.
ModuleNode.js will comes prepackaged with the NPM package management system and its registry.On the other hand developer needs to download and install PHP manually and it doesn't come in bundled with module.

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