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Write down difference between React and Angular?
Question Posted on 23 Feb 2022

Home >> JavaScript >> ReactJS >> Write down difference between React and Angular?

Write down difference between React and Angular? Below are the some of the most important difference between React and Angular:-

Base of DifferenceReactAngular
ToolsThis will more dependent on state management library like Helmet, Redux and Reaxt router can optimize the state management process. Angular will not required additional libraries but we can use NgRx and RxJs.
DOManytime the DOM changes, a new virtual DOM is created, compared to the previous one, and only the differences are modified in the “real” DOM.when a new DOM is created, it compares it to the previous one and applies the differences to the “actual” DOM, only allocating memory if necessary.
UI ComponentsMaterial-UI Library & Dependencies – Community-developed UI tools provide a wide range of UI components.Angular includes a number of material design components that make UI configuration a breeze.
Dependency InjectionNot fully enable as each component has its own global state.Angular support dependency injection
Language Used TypeScript can write JSX(JavaScript XML), although it is not included by default.TypeScript is a statically typed language that is a superset of JavaScript.
Data BindingThis may contains one-way data binding which means that a UI elements will not affect a component state.This will supports both one way and two way binding. Here two way means if we modify UI input then model state will also change.
ImportanceReact is a library to build user interface which is based on UI components. React is a free and open-source front-end JavaScript library. MVC design requires Flux to implement, but this will provide more flexibility in wishing to organise code.Angular is a platform which is used for building mobile and desktop web applications. And this will provide strong opinion on how our application will be designed. And this may also have many tiny libraries which helps in development of complex applications.
LearningReact is not difficult to learn when we compare this with angularHarder to learn when we compare this React

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