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Some basic topics and tips for Regex
Question Posted on 03 Feb 2019

Home >> WEB >> Regex Questions >> Some basic topics and tips for Regex

Below are the basic topics and tips for Regex with examples
(1)^The- Its matches and string that starts with the
Example:- The crackyourinterview sites has regex values

(2)End$- Its matches a string that ends with world End
Example:- this is now end

(3)^The End$-Its matches a string that start with "The" and end with "End"
Example:- The data in crackyourinterview has End

(4)data- Its matches the world given
Example:- Crackyourinterview have data in it

Quantifiers?—?* + ? and {}

(5)abc*- Its matches string that has ab followed by zero or more c
Example:- ab,abc,abcc,abccc

(6)abc+- Its matches string that has ab followed by 1 or more c
Example:- abc,abcc,abcc

(7)abc?- Its matches string that has ab followed by zero or one c
Example:- ab,abc

(8)abc{2}- Its matches string that has ab followed by two c

(9)abc{2,}- Its matches string that has ab followed by two or more c

(10)abc{2,5}- Its matches string that has ab followed by two upto 5 c

(11)a(bc)*- Its matches string that has followed by zero or more copies of sequence bc

(12)a(bc){2,5}- Its matches string that has followed by zero or more copies of sequence bc from 2 to 5 times

OR operator?—?| or []

(13)a(b|c)- Its matches string that has followed by b or c
Example:- ab,ac

(14)a[bc]- Its matches string that has followed by b or c
Example:- ab,ac

Character classes?—?\d \w \s and .

(15)\d- Its matches a single character that is a digit
Example:- one1data,keepit1data,key2234

(16)\w- Its matches alphanumeric character plus underscore

(17)\s- Its matches whitespace character(includes tabs and line breaks)
Example:- , ,

(18). - Its matches any character
Example:- a,cd,csd,fdf

\d, \w and \s also present their negations with \D, \W and \S respectively

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