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Name all the standard trace templates by SQL Server Profiler?
Question Posted on 05 Nov 2021

Home >> DataBase >> sql questions >> Name all the standard trace templates by SQL Server Profiler?

Name all the standard trace templates by SQL Server Profiler?
To view all the standard trace templates in SQL Server first we need to open the SQL Server Profiler. And to open profiler we have many methods. As given in below picture:-

Profile Method
Below are the different predefined Templates available in SQL server:-

Tracve Properties
Now the information about the each of predefined templates:-

(1)SP_Counts:-This templates helps to captures stored procedure execution behavior over time.

(2)(Default)Standard:-This template is the generic starting point in SQL Profiler to create a trace. This will captures all stored procedures and all Transact SQL batches that are run. And this is basically used to monitor general database server activity.

(3)TSQL:-This will used to debug client applications. And this will captures all Transact-SQ: statements which are submitted to SQL Server by the clients and this will also captures the time issued.

(4)TSQL_Duration:-Basically this template is used to identify the slow queries. This will also used to capture all transact SQL statements submitted to SQL Server by clients and there execution time in milliseconds. And this also groups the data by duration.

(5)TSQL_Grouped:-This will basically used to investigate queries from a particular client or user. This will captures all Transact SQL statements submitted to SQL Server and the time they were issued. We can also araange data in groups by user or client that submitted the statement.

(6)TSQL_Locks:-We generally used this templates to troubleshoot different aspects like lock timeout, lock escalation events and deadlocks. This will be used to capture all transact SQL statements submitted to SQL Server with the time they were used. We can also arranged data in groups by user or client that have submitted the statement.

(7)TSQL_Replay:-This will be basically used to perform iterative tuning just like some benchmark testing. This will also be used to capture information about the transact sql statements which are required if trace will be replayed.

(8)TSQL_Sps:-This will basically used to analyze the components steps of stored procedure. Here we will add the SP:Recompile event if we suspect thet procedure which are being recompiled. This will used to capture the detailed information about all executing stored procedures.

(9)Tuning:-This template is used to produce trace output which Database Engine Tuning Advisor which is used as a workload to tuning database. This will captures information about stored procedures and transact SQL batch execution.

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