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Difference in between MariaDB and PostgreSQL?
Question Posted on 29 Dec 2023

Home >> DataBase >> PostgreSQL >> Difference in between MariaDB and PostgreSQL?

Difference in between MariaDB and PostgreSQL?
Below are most common difference in between MariaDB and PostgreSQL:-

NumberBase of differenceMariaDBPostgreSQL
1Initial ReleaseWell MariaDB was first release in year 2009.PostgreSQL was first release in year 1989.
2DescriptionWhen we say about the MariaDB it is defined as a MySQL application, which is an open source RDBMS system with high performance capability, secuirty and with high availability.Well PostgreSQL is an open source relational database management system used to store data.
3LanguageWell for developing MariaDB, C and C++ programming langauge is used for implementation of MariaDB.And on other hand implementation language which is used for developing PostgreSQL is C programming language.
4JSON SupportWhen we say about the JSON in MariaDB, MariaDB will not support JSON rather then it uses a LONGTEXT column which works similar to JSON.Well PostgreSQL supports both JSON and JSONB.
5ApplicationWell, MariaDB mainly used to build the database and that support web application, e-commerce platforms and the multimedia sites.On the other hand PostgreeSQL system is used in building a large system, and all the data-related operations, like read and write operations, can be executed in a fast manner. It is mostly used in large-scale applications due to the system’s complexity.
6Memory CapabilitiesHere MariaDB supports in-memory capabilities. ANd when we compare MariaDB with PostgreSQL, MariaDB system exhibits a lighter weight.Well PostgreSQL system will not support the in-memory capabilities.
7Server Operating SystemWell, MariaDB Server Operating systme will supports Linux, Windows, Solaris and FreeBSD.For PostgreSQL, server operating system which is supported by PostgreSQL are Solaris, Unix, Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD and many more.
8Server side scriptsIn MariaDB system, users define server side scripts which can be utilized for data storage purposes.Well, in PostgreSQL system user can define the functions as per requirement, and on other hand MariaDB willnot support this feature.
9Partitioning methodsThe partitioning methods used in the MariaDB system are horizontal partitioning, Galera cluster, and sharding with the spider storage engine.The partitioning methods used in the PostgreSQL system are partitioning by list, hash, and range.
10Transaction Concepts(ACID)MariaDB support full ACID property.PostgreeSQL also support the ACID property.
11Top OrganizationsWell the top organization which uses MariaDB are Alibaba, Google, Facebook, Wikipedia, and many large-scale organizations.And when we say about the PostgreSQL, there are various sector which is supported by PostgreSQL are Finance, Education, Commerce, Technology, Media, and numerous other large-scale projects.
12Size of DBWell the size of MariaDB, it is smaller then Postgre as per the OS versions.The memory allocation is short in the MariaDB system, and the MariaDB database is lighter than the PostgreSQL database system.When MariaDB system and PostgreSQL are compared based on partitioning, MariaDB uses various partitioning techniques, whereas, in PostgreSQL, there is no support for partitioning.
13Performance FeatureMariaDB system does not support any feature that can aid in boosting the performance of the database.Well, PostgreSQL system offers Partial indexes, Materialized views that help to increase the performance of the database.
14ArchitectureArchitecture used is master-slave replication and master-master replication in MariaDB system. PostgreSQL only utilizes a master-slave replication architecture.
15Read Write operationsRead and Write operations are slower then MariaDB system.Read and write operations in PostgreSQL are much faster than the MariaDB system
16Turnaround time factorMariaDB shows less performance in turnaround time as compare to PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL system shows better performance in the turnaround time factor compared to the MariaDB system.

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