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Difference in between Grafana and Tableau?
Question Posted on 27 Nov 2023

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Difference in between Grafana and Tableau?
Below are the main difference in between Grafana and Tableau:-

NumberBase of differenceGrafanaTableau
1InterfaceWhen we say about the Grafana Interface, it is not user friendly when we compare this with Tableau. And the dashboards are mainly created with help of plugins.When we say about the Tableau interface, well it is really good that anyone who uses the application can understand the flow of data.
2VersionsWell when we say about the Grafana, it has only one version and that is open source. Money has to be paid for its use in business purposes. This helps the application users to know the input data and then to use the business version. Well when we say about the Tableau, it has two versions such as desktop and public versions. The desktop version does not support many parameters, and it is offered as free to the users.
3Other applicationsWell we cannot connect Grafana with other application and data has to be given to the application directly. We have some good features vaialbel in Tableau which helps to connect with otehr applications or even cloud services to collect data. Here data sources can be optimized, and we can collect data easily. Analysis of data can be done directly in the applications once it is connected with tableau.
4Main foucsWell Grafana main focus on dashboard part. And it have the feature that you can create, edit, save, or search the saved dashboards inside the application itself. And we can rearranged panels so that the manipulation of data can be done easily.Well in Tableau, more statistics are included in the application, and hence if the user needs to know the statistical approach of data, the tableau is a go-to application.
5Color Code Well teh data in Grafana is color coded. But data is not interactive as compare to tableau. The question of why can be answered by Grafana, but the location is not easily found out.The data can be color-coded and made to interact with users automatically. Any questions about data can be answered directly once seeing the dashboards of the tableau.
6Source of dataWell in Grafana we can define different sources with in the application itself. And all of the values can be collected so that values help to display the sources in the dashboard.Well when we say about the Tableau, sources of data cannot be shown to the user directly, and this makes the application to dig the sources if the user needs the same.
7DocumentationWell when we say about the documentation in Grafana, it helps the beginners to know the application no as compare to interface. The documentation and the community support of the application are good. Well user interface is simple, and documentation is not needed for beginners to learn the application. Collected data can be fed directly into the system, and outputs are given.
8Licence versionPrice for Grafana is low when we compare this with Tableau and montly cost is approx $100 per month. Well licence version of Tableau is more then Grafana and it will charge $120 dollars per month.
9Data Category In Grafana we can not categorized the data and here information has to be collected from the graphs directly.Well when we say about the Tableau, data can be categorized based on region or any category needed. And this will helps you to know a particular sector and form decisions based on the area.
10PluginWell in Grafana we have a plugin libraray which helps users visualize the data and modify it if we need that.Well in Tableau, it has a extensions which can be used with dashboards so that it can interact and data collection can be done from otehr applications.
11QueriesWell when we say about queries in Grafana, it can easily be created and this will helps the user to identify the flow of data in the system and organize them easily.Well in Tableau we can not create queries in it, and we need external source to used the queries in the application.
12AlertIn Grafana we can ceraet alert. And this can be created with the help of metrics and the graphs formed. These alerts help the users to know the data if there is any unforeseen events or transformations.And their is no alert available in Tableau, and here user need to check the user interface to know the flow of data.

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