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Difference between Java, Scala, Python and R
Question Posted on 02 Mar 2021

Home >> Programming Languages >> Scala >> Difference between Java, Scala, Python and R

Difference between Java, Scala, Python and R
Below are main difference between Java, Scala, Python and R
(1)Java:-Java is Faster then Python and R language
(1)Scala:-Scala is 10x faster than Python
(1)Python:-Python is much slower then Java and Scala
(1)R:-R is also slower then Java and Scala

(B)Type of User/Developer:-
(2)Java:-In java developer can be either of Web and Hadoop programmers
(2)Scala:-In Scala Developer is like Big data Programmers
(2)Python:-Here developer can be beginners and data engineers
(2)R:-IN R most developer are Data Scientists or statisticians

(C)Interpreted Language(REPL):-

(4)Java:-Java will support Concurrency
(4)Scala:-Scala also support concurrency
(4)Python:-Python will not support Concurrency
(4)R:-Not Applicable

(E)Learning Curve:-
(5)Java:-Learning Curve in Java is much tougher than python
(5)Scala:-In Scala steep learning curve than Java and Python
(5)Python:-Learning Curve is easiest in all four
(5)R:-Learning curve is moderate in R language

(6)Java:-It is used in Web Development and in Hadoop Native
(6)Scala:-It is used for Spark Native
(6)Python:-We use Python in Data Engineering, Machine Learning and in Data Visualization
(6)R:-We use R Language mainly for Visualization, Data analysis and for Statistics use cases.

(G)Type of Language:-
(7)Java:-Used for General Purpose and for Object oriented tasks.
(7)Scala:-Used for General functional purpose and object-oriented features
(7)Python:-We use this as General purpose.
(7)R:-Specifically for Data Scientists Needs conversion into Scala/Python before productizing

(H)Ease of Use:-
(8)Java:- It is verbose
(8)Scala:-Lesser verbose than scala
(8)Python:-It is least verbose
(8)R:-Not applicable

(I)Type Safety:-
(9)Java:-Java is always statically typed
(9)Scala:-Scala is statically typed only one version 2.0 is not.
(9)Python:-It is dynamically typed
(9)R:-R language is also dynamically types

(J)Support and Learning Libraries availability:-
(10)Java:-Support has limited
(10)Scala:-Support has limited
(10)Python:-Support is excellent
(10)R:-Support is excellent

(K)Web Notebooks Support:-
(11)Java:-Ijava Kernel in Jupyter Notebook
(11)Scala:-Apache Zeppelin Notebook Support
(11)Python:-Jupyter Notebook Support
(11)R:-R Notebook

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