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Define main difference in between REST and RESTful?
Question Posted on 16 Jun 2022

Home >> REST >> REST Questions >> Define main difference in between REST and RESTful?

Define main difference in between REST and RESTful?
Below are the main difference in between REST and RESTful:-

Base of differenceRESTRESTful
ArchitectureREST has a cacheable, client-server, stateless, layer system with a uniform interface.All features of REST architecture along with some additional unique features.
Data formatWhen we say about data format of REST it is based on HTTP.But when we say about data format of RESTful it is based on JSON, HTTP and Text.
DefinitionsWe mainly used REST to develop APIs which enable interaction between the client and the server. And It should used to get a piece of data when the user connects any link to the particular URL.It is a web application which follows the REST infrastructure which provides interoperability between different systems on the entire network.
Web servicesHere working of the URL is based on request and response model.In RESTful working is completely based on REST applications.
AdaptabilityREST is highly adaptable and user friendly to all business enterprises and IT.RESTful is flexible when compared to RESTLESS web services.
ProtocolThe protocol is strong and it inherits many security measures, which are built-in architecture layers.It is multi-layer and has a transport protocol which makes the system less secure when compared with REST.
BandwidthREST will consume only minimum Bandwidth.RESTful will consumes less bandwidth.
CacheREST represents cacheable and non-cacheable data and displaces the non-cacheable data when not required.The client can access cacheable information anytime and anywhere.

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