PMI Agile Certified Practitioner Exam Page8(Dump)

Question No:-71

While reviewing the sprint burn down during a stand up, the scrum team identifies that they have fallen behind. Upon further discussion, they discover that some quality assurance (QA) team members were unable to use the new automation framework, which caused a bottleneck.

What should the scrum team do?

  1. For upcoming sprints, have QA team members ensure that their respective skill sets are considered when accepting stories
  2. Have QA team members with the appropriate skill sets spend extra to help the team succeed
  3. Ensure that QA team members who lack the appropriate skill up for training within the next few weeks
  4. Ask QA team members experienced with the new automation framework to cross-train the other QA members


Question No:-72

An organization highly values security. However, a team member on a project has found a way to save time and money with less robust security features.

What should the team member do?

  1. Influence the customer
  2. Mention the idea at the next retrospective
  3. Show the customer how much time and money would be saved
  4. Present the idea at the next ceremony attended by stakeholders to obtain their input


Question No:-73

During its first sprint, a new scrum team realizes that it has insufficient team members with test automation skills to efficiently complete its stories.

What should the team do?

  1. Cross-train some members in the automation framework to broaden their capacity with that skill
  2. Ask the product owner to add team members to boost this particular skill set
  3. Send a member to automation framework training when funds are available
  4. Avoid using test automation by swarming on the testing tasks and using manual testing


Question No:-74

During sprint planning, team members have differing opinions on a feature that delivers business value but fails to provide a long-term solution for the customer.

How should the team resolve this?

  1. Refer to the values of the agile framework and the team
  2. Review the signed customer contract
  3. Check the sprint priority list
  4. Submit the problem to the product owner


Question No:-75

A project team realizes that an important task on the iteration backlog will take more time than originally estimated.

What should the project team do?

  1. Continue working on the task until it is completed
  2. Remove the task owner from the project team
  3. Add resources to reduce time to task completion
  4. Stop working on the task and include it in the next iteration


Question No:-76

An executive sponsor of a new scrum team actively attends scrum ceremonies.

How does this benefit the team?

  1. It helps the team to focus on and meet sprint goals
  2. It reminds the team about who sponsors the project
  3. It provides high-level project updates to the sponsor
  4. It helps to quickly resolve issues using the sponsor/s influence


Question No:-77

A legal department representative contacts the scrum master because, while the project's budget has been maintained, it has exceeded its original contracted time and scope.

What should the scrum master do?

  1. Meet with the team to gain alignment with the legal department's need to stay within the contracted time and scope
  2. Work with the customer to narrow the scope
  3. Share the project's trajectory with the legal department
  4. Meet with the legal department to help them understand that the customer and the team are satisfied with the time and deliveries


Question No:-78

An agile project leader notices that the team's velocity has decreased. In examining data provided by team members, the project leader discovers that one team member has been slow to enter story statuses.

What can happen as a result?

  1. The team will be unable to understand the iteration's status
  2. The team will be unable to judge the project design's validity
  3. The team cannot give accurate updates to management
  4. Team collaboration cannot be measured effectively

Question No:-79

A product owner complains that some of the requirements identified several iterations ago have not been implemented. The product owner wants to know why the status of these requirements was not communicated.

What should the Scrum Master do?

  1. Point out that the team chose to work on other requirements to speed up the project
  2. Ensure that the product owner reviews the contents of the information radiator
  3. Ensure that the next sprint planning meeting reviews the satisfaction histogram
  4. Point out that it is the responsibility of the product owner to clarify requirements


Question No:-80

During an iteration review, the agile team asserts that a product is complete because development and review were finished. The product owner disagrees, since the product has not been tested.

What should the agile practitioner do?

  1. Work with the agile team and product owner to agree on the definition of done
  2. Ask the sponsor to determine whether the product is completed
  3. Plan another review after the product has been tested
  4. Add testing to the backlog, and have the product owner reprioritize


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