| Write down 10 main difference between Spring and Spring Boot
Below are the 10 main difference between Spring and Spring Boot
(1)Spring:-Java EE framework is used by Spring Framework to create applications.
Spring Boot:-Whereas Spring Boot Framework is used to develop REST APIs.
(2)Spring:-It helps devloper to increase productivity as it simplify Java EE development.
Spring Boot:-Its main aim is to shorten the code and help developer to create Web Applications quite easily.
(3)Spring:-Main feature of Spring Framework is dependency injection.
Spring Boot:-Main feature is Autoconfiguration and it automatically configures the classes based on the requirement.
(4)Spring:-It helps to deploy loosely coupled applications.
Spring Boot:-It helps to create stand-alone application with very less configuration.
(5)Spring:-The developer writes a lot of code to do the minimal task(boilerplate code).
Spring Boot:-It reduces boilerplate code.
(6)Spring:-If we need to test Spring project we need to setup the server explicitly.
Spring Boot:-Here it will offer embedded server such as jetty and tomcat and many more.
(7)Spring:-It will not support in-memory database.
Spring Boot:-It offers several plugins for working with an embedded and in-memory database such as H2.
(8)Spring:-Developers manually define dependencies for the Spring project in pom.xml
Spring Boot:-Spring Boot comes with concept of starter in pom.xml file that internally takes care of downloading the dependencies JARs based on Requirement.
(9)Spring:-Its a Web application framework which is based on Java.
Spring Boot:-It is a Module of spring.
(10)Spring:-Spring is more complex then Spring Boot.
Spring Boot:-It is less complex then the Spring Framework. | | |