| What is Entity Framework
Before .NET 3.5 version we used ADO.NET Code or Enterprise data Access Block to retrieve and save data from the database. Here we will create a data connection and create DataSet to fetch or submit data to the database. And convert data from the dataset to.net Objects to apply business rules. This was a cumbersome and error prone process. Then Micorsoft has provided a framework "Entity Framework" called to automate all these database
Entity Framework(EF) is and open source ORM Framework for .NET applications which is suppoeted by Mirosoft. It helps devloper to work with data by using objects of domain specific classes without knowing about the underlying database tables where data is stored. With the help of Entity Frameowrk devlopers can work at higher level of abstraction when we work with data, and we can create and maintain data-oriented applications with less code then previous code.
Below is the figure which will let you know the Entity Framework
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