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Weaveworks Questions Answers
Question Posted on 08 Jan 2019

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Weaveworks Questions Answers
(1)Advantage of using Git as Single Source of Truth is
(ii)On demand Services can be created
(iii)none of the mentioned
(iv)Any point Revert is possible
Answer:- (i) both

(2)Choose a CI tool.

(3)GitOps makes Auditing easier.

(4)Weave Scope Cannot be installed on kubernetes cluster

(5)WeaveWorks uses this as a Single Source Of Truth.
(iii)CD tools

(6)What is the advantage of using Git as Single Source of Truth?
none of the mentioned
(i)On demand Services can be created
(iii)Any point Revert is possible

(7)WeaveCloud is Opensource

(8)WeaveWorks is a CI tool.

(9)WeaveCloud is a

(10)WeaveWorks works on top of kubernetes.

(11)This is a CI tool.

(12)Benefits of GitOps is ?
(ii)Better Ops
(iii)Faster development
(iv)none of the mentioned

(13)Push based pipeline uses
(i)kubectl directly
(ii)none of the mentioned
Answer:-(i)kubectl directly

(14)Which of the following features offered by WeaveClouds?
(i)none of the mentioned
(iii)VCS integration
(iv)both VCS integration and Observability
Answer:-(iv)both VCS integration and Observability

(15)WeaveNetUses this protocol to route packets among peers.

(16)GitOps recommends
(i)usage of kubectl frequently
(ii)none of the mentioned
(iv)Every configuration must be stored in git
Answer:-(iv)Every configuration must be stored in git

(17)WeaveNet packets targeting remote containers use this packet routing method.
(i)Fast Data Path Method
(iii)Fallback Sleeve Method
(iv)none of the mentioned
Answer:-(iii)Fallback Sleeve Method

(18)This field in flux-deployment.yaml needs to be changed before deploying flux to kubernetes
(iii)none of the mentioned

(19)Which component of WeaveScope is responsible for collecting host's data?
(i)none of the mentioned

(20)WeaveWorks time series monitoring project is called ________.

(21)WeaveNet uses this packet routing method.
(ii)Fast Data Path Method
(iii)Fallback Sleeve Method
(iv)none of the mentioned

(22)Deploy Synchronizer is responsible for
(i)image repository monitoring
(ii)maintaining cluster state
(iii)monitoring kubernetes cluster
(iv)control kubectl
Answer:-(ii)maintaining cluster state

(23)Flux Deployment is in _________ format .
(i)none of the mentioned

(24)Which of the following is weave scope's component?
none of the mentioned

(25)This command is used to view flux logs.
(i)kubectl -n default logs deployment/flux -f
(ii)kubectl logs –flux
(iii)flux get logs
(iv)flux logs
Answer:-(i)kubectl -n default logs deployment/flux -f

(26)Command used to view flux public SSH key
(i)kubectl get identity.pub
(ii)none of the mentioned
(iii)ssh-keygen -y -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa > ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
(iv)kubectl logs deployment/flux | grep identity.pub | cut -d '"'f2----
Answer:-(iv)kubectl logs deployment/flux | grep identity.pub | cut -d '"' -f2

(27)WeaveNet routers are know as ?
(iii)none of the mentioned

(28)IAC stands for
(i)Internet As Code
(ii)Infrastructure Access Code
(iii)Infrastructure As Code
(iv)International Academy for Coders
Answer:-(iii)Infrastructure As Code

(29)Flux can be deployed to ?
(iii)none of the mentioned

(30)WeaveNet is helpful in connecting
(iv)none of the mentioned

(31)Command Used to start WeaveScope is
(1)Scope Run
(2)Scope Launch
(3)Scope start
(4)Scope dispatch
Answer:-(2)Scope Launch

(32)PaaS stands for
(i)Prometheus as a Service
(ii)Pragma as a Service
(iii)PlatForm as a Service
(iv)none of the mentioned
Answer:-(i)Prometheus as a Service

(33)PQL stands for ?
(i)Prometheus Query Language
(ii)Pro Query Language
(iii)Prometheus Query Launch
(iv)Pragma Query Language
Answer:-(i)Prometheus Query Language

(34)WeaveNet cannot connect containers running on different cloud vendors.

(35)Flux monitors
(i)none of the mentioned
(ii)Git Repo
(iii)Image Repo

(i)syncs source code with git
(ii)syncs cluster with git repo
(iii)none of the mentioned
Answer:-(ii)syncs cluster with git repo

(37)Deploy automator is responsible for
(i)monitoring kubernetes cluster
(ii)maintaining cluster state
(iii)control kubectl
(iv)image repository monitoring
Answer:-(iv)image repository monitoring

(38)Which open source cortex is built on?

(39)Which component of WeaveScope is responsible for displaying host report to UI?
(4)none of the mentioned

(40)Which of the SSH pair keys need to be added to github?
(ii)public key
(iii)none of the mentioned
(iv)private key
Answer-(ii)public key

(41)Flux can be deployed using
(i)docker run
(iv)none of the mentioned

(42)Flux can be deployed to ?
(iii)none of the mentioned

(43)This method is used to route packets within kernel space.
(ii)none of the mentioned
(iii)Fast Data Path Method
(iv)Fallback Sleeve Method
Answer:-(iii)Fast Data Path Method

(44)Command used to start WeaveScope is ?
(i)scope dispatch
(ii)scope launch
(iii)scope run
(iv)scope start
Answer:-(ii)scope launch

(45)Flux to git link can be done by ?
(i)Deployment Verification
(ii)identity generation
(iii)Key generation
(iv)SSH Verification
Answer:-(iv)SSH Verification

(46)Flux monitors
(i)Image Repo
(ii)none of the mentioned
(iii)Git Repo

(47)Cortex is provided as

(48)WeaveWork's real-time debugging project is known as ?

(49)WeaveNet packets targeting remote containers use this packet routing method.
(i)Fast Data Path Method
(ii)Fallback Sleeve Method
(iv)none of the mentioned
Answer:-(ii)Fallback Sleeve Method

(50)What does CNCF Stand for?
(i)Cloud Nations Computing Foundation
(ii)Cloud Native Computing Foundation
(iii)Computing Native Cloud Foundation
(iv)Cloud Naive Computing Foundation
Answer:-(ii)Cloud Native Computing Foundation

(51)WeaveWorks time series monitoring project is called ________.

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