| React Introduction
React Introduction
ReactJS is a efficient, declarative and flexible JavaScript libraray to build a reusable UI components. This is an open source, componenet based front end library which is mainly responsible for the view layer of the application. And this was created by Jordan Walke, who works in Facebook as a software engineer. And it was initially developed and maintained by Facebook and later used in its products like Insta and WhatsApp. And Facebook developed ReactJS in year 2011 in its newsfeed section, And it was released to public in month of May 2013.
Nowadays most of the website are built by using Model View Controller (MVC). And in this architecture, React is the "V" which is mainly stands for view, whereas the architecture is provided by the Reduc or Flux.
When we say about the ReactJS application, it is combination of multiple componenets. And each of these componenet responsible for outputting a small, reusable piece of HTML code. And we can also say that these componenets are the heart of all React application. And when we say about the complex application with ReactJS, multiple componenets are nested with other componenents which allow complex application to be built of simple building blocks. ReactJS uses virtual DOM mechanism to fill data in HTML DOM. And here virtual DOM works faster as this will do change in individual DOM elements instead of reloading complete DOM every time. Due to thie individual DOM elements it is faster.
To create React app, we write React components which correspond to various elements. And we will organize these componenets inside higher level components which define the application structure. And to understand we will take a example, we have a form which consists of many elements like Buttons, labels or fields. We can write each element of the form as a React componenets, and after that we combine it into a hihger-level components for example the form component itself. The form components would specify the structure of the form along with elements inside of it. | | |