| One major difference between MVC and traditional ASP.NET web application
In our traditional ASP.NET web forms application and in ASP application there is link between the url and page means if user request page crackyourinterview.aspx from the server the user get same page from the disk where it is situated and one to one correspondence between a URL and a page.. If the SomePage.aspx file does not exist, you get an ugly 404 - Page Not Found error.
But the condition is changed in MVC ASP.NET application there is no correspondence relation between the URL that you type into our browsers address bar and the files that we find in our application. URL is corresponds to a controller action instead of page on disk.
When we call page in traditional ASP.NET or ASP application the request are mapped to pages.ASP.NET MVC application, in contrast, browser requests are mapped to controller actions.
One more thing is that ASP.NET Web Forms application is content-centric and MVC Application is application logic centric. | | |