| Difference between Git and SVN
Below are the six main difference between Git and SVN
(1)Git:-Here commits is possible even we are offline.
(1)SVN:-We can do commits in case when your are online.
(2)Git:-In git works are shared automatically by doing commit.
(2)SVN:-Here nothing is shared automatically.
(3)Git:-In Git Push/Pull operations are faster.
(3)SVN:-Here SVN are much slower in Push/Pull operations.
(4)Git:-Git is a Decentralized Version Control tool
(4)SVN:-SVN is a Centralized Version Control tool
(5)Git:-In Git client can clone the full repositories on their local systems
(5)SVN:-In SVN version history is stored on a server-side repository
(6)Git:-SVN belongs to 3rd generation of version control tools.
(6)SVN:-On the other hand SVN is 2nd generation of version control tools. | | |