Lean Six Sigma White Belt Page 4 (Dumps)

Question No:-31

Which of the following is the main feature of MSA (Measurement System Analysis)?

  1. It helps to measure the system of continuing production.
  2. This is the method of analyzing accurate measurement system.
  3. This method is used for the purpose of block measurement.
  4. None of these.


Question No:-32

Which among the following is true about Process Capability Index (PCI)?

  1. This is the process of calculating gross production capability of a company.
  2. This is an index, which shows the least production ability of a process.
  3. An Index, which shows the capability of a process for sufficient production.
  4. An Index, showing the target production of a process.


Question No:-33

What is an EWMA (Exponentially Weighted Moving Average) Chart?

  1. It is a Control Chart.
  2. It is a Measurement Chart.
  3. It is a Growth Chart.
  4. None of these.


Question No:-34

The chart is used for rearrangement of time, when any change is detected in a process.

  1. IPWA Chart
  2. CWMA Chart.
  3. EWMA Chart.
  4. CUSUM Chart.


Question No:-35

What is the method of ACCEPTANCE SAMPLING used for?

  1. This method is used for new product sampling.
  2. The method includes acceptance and rejection of products by inspection.
  3. To make a nonconforming product conforming this method is applied.   4. None of the above.


Question No:-36

What is an OC Curve in sampling process?

  1. A diagram representing the probability of acceptance for a lot.
  2. A curve which indicates the percentage of bad quality products in a lot.
  3. A diagram which indicates the rate of production per day.
  4. None of these.


Question No:-37

Which of the following statement is true about LTPD (Lot Tolerance Percent Defective)?

  1. LTPD is the collected data which shows the defective products in a lot.
  2. LTPD represents the company's loss for producing defective products.
  3. This is the method of calculating the percentage of accepted and rejected products.
  4. LTPD is the lowest quality of any product that can be accepted.


Question No:-38

Which of the following is used to select the process of sampling plan?

  1. DODGE ROMIG Table.
  2. AOQL ANSI Table.
  3. ATI & LTPD Measures.
  4. None of the above.


Question No:-39

The data that can be counted only in whole numbers is called what?

  1. Decreased Data.
  2. Attribute Data.
  3. Variable Data.
  4. Continuous Data.


Question No:-40

Why Pareto chart is important in six sigma?

  1. It gives the appropriate figures of employee's performances.
  2. It suggests a company of its variances in focus.
  3. It provides the company production rate variations.
  4. None of the above.


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