HTML5 App Development Fundamentals Dumps Page3

Question No:-21

You work as a senior developer at The network consists of a single domain named

You are running a training exercise for junior developers. You are currently discussing Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG).

Which of the following is TRUE with regards to SVG? (Choose all that apply.)

  1. It is a powerful way to add high-fidelity, easily scalable visuals to a website via a plug-in or separate viewer.
  2. It is a powerful way to add high-fidelity, easily scalable visuals to a website without the need for a plug-in or separate viewer.
  3. It is a language for describing one-dimensional graphics in XML.
  4. It is a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML.


Question No:-22

You work as a senior developer at The network consists of a single domain named makes use of HTML5 and CSS3 in their development process.

You are developing a page that should include drop-down lists. To create the drop-down lists, you have to make use of a specific HTML5 tag.

Which of the following is the tag that should be used?

  1. The
  2. The tag.
  4. The tag.


Question No:-23

You work as a senior developer at The network consists of a single domain named

You are running a training exercise for junior developers. You are currently discussing an HTML5 input attribute that provides a way to set a regular expression that the value must match.

Which of the following is the input attribute being discussed?

  1. The multiple HTML5 input attribute.
  2. The pattern HTML5 input attribute.
  3. The placeholder HTML5 input attribute.
  4. The draft HTML5 input attribute.


Question No:-24

You work as a senior developer at The network consists of a single domain named makes use of HTML5 and CSS3 in their development process. has an HTML5 application that specifies the use of an ApplicationCache interface.

Which of the following is TRUE with regards to this scenario? (Choose all that apply.)

  1. Offline access to cached resources will be enabled.
  2. The creation of offline web applications will be prevented.
  3. Prevents URLs from being served from cached content using standard URI notation.
  4. The number of requests made to the hosting server will be reduced.


Question No:-25

You work as a senior developer at The network consists of a single domain named

You are running a training exercise for junior developers. You are currently discussing a property associated with various Document Object Model (DOM) objects and methods. This property recovers the parent object in the document hierarchy.

Which of the following is the property being discussed?

  1. The nodeName property.
  2. The nodeType property.
  3. The parent property.
  4. The parentNode property.


Question No:-26

You work as a senior developer at The network consists of a single domain named makes use of HTML5 and CSS3 in their development process.

You are developing a page that includes the Geolocation API. You have to include a method in your code that commences listening for updates to the current geographical location of the device running the client.

Which of the following actions should you take?

  1. You should consider making use of the setInterval method.
  2. You should consider making use of the watchPosition method.
  3. You should consider making use of the setItem method.
  4. You should consider making use of the setInterval method.

Question No:-27

You work as a senior developer at The network consists of a single domain named

You are running a training exercise for junior developers. You are currently discussing a touch event that fires when the application identifies more touches than it can process.

Which of the following is the event in question?

  1. The touchleave event.
  2. The touchcancel event.
  3. The touchmove event.
  4. The touchend event.


Question No:-28

You work as a senior developer at The network consists of a single domain named

You are running a training exercise for junior developers. You are currently discussing an object of the File API that provides methods to synchronously read a File or a Blob.

Which of the following is the object being discussed?

  1. The Blob object.
  2. The FileList object.
  3. The FileReader object.
  4. The FileReaderSync object.


Question No:-29

You work as a senior developer at The network consists of a single domain named

You are running a training exercise for junior developers. You are currently discussing an HTML5 attribute that identifies the cursor position when accessing a form initially.

Which of the following is the attribute being discussed?

  1. The autofocus attribute.
  2. The focusOffset attribute.
  3. The focusNode attribute.
  4. The autocomplete attribute.
  5. The hideFocus attribute.


Question No:-30

You work as a senior developer at The network consists of a single domain named makes use of HTML5 and CSS3 in their development process.

You are currently creating a page for You want to draw a circle on a canvas as part of the process.

You plan to make use of a JavaScript method to achieve your goal.

Which of the following actions should you take?

  1. You should consider making use of the createPattern method.
  2. You should consider making use of the rotate method.
  3. You should consider making use of the scale method.
  4. You should consider making use of the arc method.


1 | 2 | 3 | 4

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