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Difference between RESTAPI and RESTful API?
Question Posted on 03 Aug 2021Home >> API >> Web API >> Difference between RESTAPI and RESTful API?

Difference between RESTAPI and RESTful API?
Below are the five most common differences between RESTAPI and RESTful API

As we knows REST is architectural pattern which is used to create web services.We used to RESTful API to implement pattern.
RESTAPI is required to develop APIs which allow interaction between clients and servers. This is simply follows REST infrastructure that provides interoperability among different systems on the whole network.
Data format of REST is basically based on HTTP.Data format of Restfull is basically based on HTTP, Text and JSON.
In RESTAPI working of ULR is based on Request and response.Here working if RESTful is basically based on REST applications.
RESTAPI is user friendly and which is highly adaptable to all business enterprises and IT.RESTful is very flexible.


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