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Node.js REPL
Question Posted on 28 Jan 2024

Home >> Tutorial >> Node.js Tutorial >> Node.js REPL

Node.js REPL

Node.js REPL

Well the term REPL mainly stand for "Read Eval Print and Loop". And this will specifies a computer environment like a window console or a Unix/Linux shell where we can enter the commands. And once we input the commands system will responds an output in an interactive mode.

REPL Environment

Node.js or node will come in bundled with REPL environment. And each part of the REPL environment has a specific work.

Read:This will reads users input; and parse the input into JavaScript data-structure and stores in memory.

Eval:This will takes and evaluates the data structure.

Print:This will print the result.

Loop:This will loops the above command until user will press ctrl-c twice.

How to start REPL

And to start REPL by simply running "node" on the command prompt as given below:-

REPL Start

And you can execute various mathematical operations on REPL Node.js command prompt.

Node.js Simple Expressions

Once you start REPL node command prompt you can put any mathematical expression:-


REPL Math Calc


REPL Math Calc

Using variable

Well variables are used to store values and print later. If you do not use "var" keyword then value is stored in the variable and printed and on another hand if "var" keyword is used then value is stored but not printed. And you can print variable by using console.log().

REPL Math Mix

Node.js Multiline expressions

Node REPL also support multiline expressions like JavaScript. Below multiline code have the do-while loop example:-

var x = 0
> do {
...console/log("x:" + x);
...} while ( x< 10);

REPL Math Loop

Node.js Underscore Variable

Well we use _ underscore to get the last result. Below example will helps you understand the _.

REPL Math Underscore

Node.js Exit REPL

to exit in REPL you need to use ctrl+c command twice to come out of Node.js.


Node.js REPL Commands

Below are some important REPL commands used in REPL.

ctrl + cIt is used to terminate the current command.
ctrl + c twiceIt terminates the node repl.
ctrl + dIt terminates the node repl.
up/down keysIt is used to see command history and modify previous commands.
tab keysIt specifies the list of current command.
.helpIt specifies the list of all commands.
.breakIt is used to exit from multi-line expressions.
.clearIt is used to exit from multi-line expressions.
.save filenameIt saves current node repl session to a file.
.load filenameIt is used to load file content in current node repl session.

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