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Node.js NPM
Question Posted on 30 Jan 2024

Home >> Tutorial >> Node.js Tutorial >> Node.js NPM

Node.js NPM

Node.js Package Manager

When we say about the NPM(Node Package Manager) this will provides two main functionalities:-

  • This will provides online repositories for node.js packages/modules which are searchable on search.nodejs.org

  • This will provides command line utility to install Node.js packages, do version management and dependency management of Node.js packages.

And NPM will comes bundled with Node.js installables in versions after that v0.6.3. And we can check the version by opening Node.js command prompt and typing the following command:

npm version

NPM Version

Installing Modules using NPM

Below is the syntax to install any Node.js module:-

npm install

Now let's install a famous Node.js web framework called express:

Open the Node.js command prompt and execute the below command:

npm install express

Once you install you will see the result after installing the "express" framework.

NPM Install Express

Global vs Local Installation

When we say dependency in NPM, by default npm installs depedency in local mode. And here mode specifies the folder where Node application present. To understand this we will take an example:- if you installed express module, it created node_modules directory in the current directory where it installed express module.

NPM Node Modules

Well we can use npm ls command to get the list of all locally installed modules.

Now you need to open Node.js command prompt and execute "npm ls"

NPM List

Globally installed packages/dependencies are stored in system directory. Now let's install express module using global installation. Although it will also produce the same result but modules will be installed globally.

Open Node.js command prompt and execute the following code:-

npm install express -g

NPM install express

Here first line will tells about the module version and its location where it is getting installed.

Unintalling a Module

And to uninstall a Node.js module use the below command:

npm uninstall express

unistall NPM

The node.js module is uninstalled. YOu can verify by using the below command:-

npm ls

NPM Empty

You can see that the module is empty now.

Searching a Module

"npm search express" command is used to search express or module.

npm search express

NPM Search Express

NPM Wrapper Data

Other Important Questions
Parts of Node.js
Install Node.js Linux
Node.js First Example
Node.js Globals
Node.js DNS

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