Child Process Fork
Node.js child_process.fork() method
When we say about the child_process.fork() method, this method is a special case of the spawn() to create Node processes. This method returns object with a built-in communication channel in addition to having all the methods in a normal ChildProcess instance.
Below is the syntax of child process fork:-
child_process.fork(modulePath[, args][, options])
(1)modulePath:-This is string specifies the module to run in the child.
(2)args:-This will specifies an array list of string arguments.
(3)options:-This may contain one or more of the following options:-
- cwd:-Here we will specifies the current working directory of the child process.
- env:-Here we will specifies the environment key-vakue pairs.
- execPath:-This is a string executable used to create the child process.
- execArgv:-It specifies Array List of string arguments passed to the executable (Default: process.execArgv).
- silent:-It specifies Boolean If true, stdin, stdout, and stderr of the child will be piped to the parent, otherwise they will be inherited from the parent, see the "pipe" and "inherit" options for spawn()'s stdio for more details (default is false).
- uid Number:-Here we will uses to sets the user identity of the process
- gid Number:-Here we will use to sets the group identity of the process.
Node.js child_process.fork() method example
To understand this we will take two files to get full information about the fork() method.
File: support.js
Now we will open Node.js command prompt and run the below code:-
node master.js
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