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Name the functions which handles string and its manipulation?
Question Posted on 09 May 2022

Home >> PHP >> PHP Questions >> Name the functions which handles string and its manipulation?

Name the functions which handles string and its manipulation?
Below are the different functions which handle different string and its manipulations:-

1addcslashes()This will return string with backslashes.
2addslashes()This will used to return string with backslashes.
3bin2hex()This will used to convert string of ASCII characters to hexadecimal values.
4chop()This will removes whitespace or some other characters from right end of string given.
5chr()This will used to return character from a specified ASCII value.
6chunk_split()This will be used to split string into a series of smaller parts.
7convert_cyr_string()We use this function to convert string from one Cyrillic character-set to another.
8convert_uudecode()We use this to decode a uuencoded string.
9convert_uuencode()We used this to encode a string using the uuencode algorithm.
10count_chars()We used this to return information about characters used in a string.
11crc32()We used this to calculate a 32-bit CRC for a string.
12crypt()We used this to create hashing string One-way.
13echo()We used this for output one or more strings.
14explode()We used this to break a string into an array.
15fprint()We used this to write a formatted string to a stream.
16get_html_translation_table()We used this to returns translation table which is used by htmlspecialchars() and htmlentities().
17hebrev()We used to convert Hebrew text to visual text.
18hebrevc()We used this to convert Hebrew text to visual text and new lines ("\n") into < br>.
19hex2bin()We used to convert string of hexadecimal values to ASCII characters.
20htmlentities()We used this to convert character to HTML entities.
21html_entity_decode()We used this to convert HTML entities to characters.
22htmlspecialchars()We used this to converts the special characters to html entities.
23htmlspecialchars_decode()We used this to converts the html entities back to special characters.
24Implode()We used this to return a string from the elements of an array.
25Join()We used this as an Alias of implode() function.
26Levenshtein()We used this to return the Levenshtein distance between two strings.
27Lcfirst()We used this to convert the first character of a string to lowercase.
28localeconv()We used this to Get numeric formatting information
29ltrim()We used this to remove whitespace from the left side of a string.
30md5()We used this to calculate the MD5 hash of a string.
31md5_files()We used this to calculate MD5 hash of a file.
32metaphone()We used this to calculate the metaphone key of a string.
33money_format()We used this to string formatted as a currency string.
34nl2br()We used this to insert HTML line breaks in front of each newline in a string.
35nl_langinfo()We used this for Query language and locale information
36number_format()We used this to format a number with grouped thousands.
37ord()We used this to return ASCII value of the first character of a string.
38parse_str()We used this to parse a query string into variables.
39print()We used this for output one or more strings.
40printf()We used this to show output as a formatted string.
41quoted_printable_decode()We used to converts quoted-printable string to an 8-bit string
42quoted_printable_encode()We used this to converts the 8-bit string back to quoted-printable string
43quotemeta()We used this for Quote meta characters
44rtrim()We used this to remove whitespace from the right side of a string.
45setlocale()We used this to set locale information.
46sha1()We used this to return the SHA-1 hash of a string.
47sha1_file()We used this to return the SHA-1 hash of a file.
48similar_text()We used this to compare the similarity between two strings.
49Soundex()we used this to calculate the soundex key of a string.
50sprintf()We used this to return a formatted string
51sscanf()We used this to parse input from a string according to a format.
52strcasecmp()We used to compare two strings.
53strchr()We used this to find the first occurrence of a string inside another string.
54strcmp()We used this for binary safe string comparison (case-sensitive)
55strcoll()We used this for Locale based binary comparison(case-sensitive)
56strcspn()We used this to reverses a string.
57stripcslashes()We used this to unquote a string quoted with addcslashes().
58stripos()We used this to return the position of the first occurrence of a string inside another string.
59stristr()We used this for Case-insensitive strstr.
60strlen()We used this to return the length of a string.
61strncasecmp()We used this for binary safe case-insensitive string comparison
62strnatcasecmp()We used this for case-insensitive comparison of two strings using a "natural order" algorithm
63strnatcmp()We used this for case-sensitive comparison of two strings using a "natural order" algorithm
64strncmp()We used this to compare of the first n characters.
65strpbrk()We used this to search a string for any of a set of characters.
66strripos()This is used to finds the position of the last occurrence of a case-insensitive substring in a string.
67strrpos()This is used to finds the length of the last occurrence of a substring in a string.
68strpos()We used this to return the position of the first occurrence of a string inside another string.
69strrchr()We used this to find the last occurrence of a string inside another string.
70strrev()We used this to reverse a string.
71strspn()This is used to find the initial length of the initial segment of the string
72strstr()We used this to find the occurrence of a string.
73strtok()This is used to splits the string into smaller strings
74strtolower()we used this to Convert the string in lowercase
75strtoupper()We used this to convert the strings in uppercase
76strtr()This is used to translate certain characters in a string or replace the substring
77str_getcsv()We used this to parse a CSV string into an array.
78str_ireplace()We used this to replace some characters in a string (case-insensitive).
79str_pad()We used this to pad a string to a new length.
80str_repeat()We used this to repeat a string a specified number of times.
81str_replace()We used this to replaces all occurrences of the search string with the replacement string.
82str_rot13()We used this to perform the ROT13 encoding on a string.
83str_shuffle()We used this to randomly shuffle all characters in a string.
84str_split()We used this to split a string into an array.
85strcoll()This is used to locale based string comparison.
86strip_tags()We used this to strip HTML and PHP tags from a string.
87str_word_count()We used this to count the number of words in a string.
88substr()We used this to return the part of a string
80substr_compare()We used this to compares two strings from an offset up to the length of characters. (Binary safe comparison)
90substr_count()We used this to count the number of times occurrence of a substring
91substr_replace()We used this to replace some part of a string with another substring
92trim()We used this to remove whitespace or other characters from the beginning and end of the string.
93ucfirst()We used this to make the first character of the string to uppercase
94ucwords()We used this to make the first character of each word in a string to uppercase
95vfprintf()We used this to write a formatted string to a stream
96vprintf()This is used to display the output as a formatted string according to format
97vsprintf()We will use this to returns a formatted string
98wordwrap()This is used to wraps a string to a given number of characters

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