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Name the different type of conversion in Python?
Question Posted on 08 Nov 2021

Home >> Python Programming >> Python Questions >> Name the different type of conversion in Python?

Name the different type of conversion in Python?
In python conversion means converting one data type to another data type.
(1)int():-We use int() to convert any data type into integer type.
(2)hex():-We use hex() to convert integers into hexadecimal.
(3)Complex(real,image):-We use this to convert real numbers into a complex number.
(4)ListList():-We use this to convert any of the data type to a list type.
(5)dict():-We use this for the conversion of a tuple of order into a dictionary.
(6)float():-We use this to convert any of data type to float typeset(). And it is used to convert nature into the set.
(7)ord():-We use to converts charcters into integer.
(8)oct():-We use this to convert and integer into octal.
(9)str():-We use this to convert an integer into a string.

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