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Let's assume you are solving a classification problem with a highly imbalanced class.
Question Posted on 31 Aug 2020

Home >> DataBase >> Structured Data Classification >> Let's assume you are solving a classification problem with a highly imbalanced class.

Let's assume you are solving a classification problem with a highly imbalanced class.
The majority class is observed 99% of the time in the training data.
Choose the correct option from below list
Which of the following is true when your model has 99% accuracy after taking the predictions on test data?
(1)For imbalanced class problems, precision and recall metrics are not good.
(2)For imbalanced class problems, the accuracy metric is not a good idea.
(3)For imbalanced class problems, the accuracy metric is a good idea

Answer:-(2)For imbalanced class problems, the accuracy metric is not a good idea.

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