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Key difference between HTTP and HTTPS
Question Posted on 04 Dec 2021

Home >> WEB >> HTML Questions >> Key difference between HTTP and HTTPS

Key difference between HTTP and HTTPS
Below are the key difference between HTTP and HTTPS:-

URLURL starts with http://URL starts with https://
Default portHere in http default port is 80Default port of HTTPS is 443
LayerHTTP is an application layer protocol used for transferring information between computers on the World Wide Web.In HTTPS communication protocol is encrypted using Transport Layer Security or formerly Secure Sockets Layer.
SecurityHTTP is less secure as compare to HTTPS.HTTPS has enhanced security as compare to HTTP.
CertificatesNo need of TLS certificates in HTTP.HTTPS requires TLS certificate to be install on server.
Domain ValidationIn HTTP we will not require domain validation.In HTTPS we need both domain validation and legal validation.
EncryptionHere in http no encryption is requiredHTTPS is more secure then HTTP and this is done by encryption of data.
Data TransferIn HTTP data is transfers in plain text.HTTPS consumes computation power to encrypt the communication channel.
SpeedHTTP is faster then HTTPS.HTTPS stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure.
Full FormHTTP protocol stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol.It is a secure protocol, so it is used for those websites that require to transmit the bank account details or credit card numbers.
Used forIt is mainly used for those websites that provide information like blog writing.It is a secure protocol, so it is used for those websites that require to transmit the bank account details or credit card numbers.
PreferenceGoogle does not give the preference to the HTTP websites.On the other hand google will preferences to HTTPS and HTTPS are more secure.

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