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Features of Git
Question Posted on 08 Apr 2023

Home >> Tutorial >> Git Tutorial >> Features of Git

Features of Git
Below are the some of the remarkable feature of Git:-

Git Feature
(1)Open Source
When we say about the Git it is an open-source tool. And it is rleased under the General Public License(GPL).

Git has a feature of scalability which means whenever number of user increases. Git can easily handle such situation. This feature make Git so flexible.

One of the other great feature of Git is that it is distributed. And here distributed means in place of switching project to another machine we can create a "Clone" of the entire repository. And instead of one central repository we can send changes to every user as verey user have there own repository. And this will contains the entire commit history of the project. And here we do not need to connect to remote repository every time as we can store our changes on local repository. And if is necessary we can push these changes to a remote repository.

Git distributed
When we say about the security Git is secure. And it uses Secure Hash Function (SHA1) to name and identify objects in the given repository. And here Files and commits are mainly checked and retrived by its checksum at the time of checkout. And here Git manage in such way that it stores every history in such way that ID of every particular commits depends upon the complete development history leading up to that commit. Once it is published, one cannot make changes to its old version.

When we say about the Speed in Git it is very fast, and will complete all the tasks in no time. As most of the Git operations are done on the local repository. So this will provides a good speed. Also, a centralized version control system continually communicates with a server somewhere.
When we test its performance which is conducted by Mozilla showed that it was observed that it is extremely fast compared to other VCSs. When we fetch version history from a locally stored repository it is much faster than fetching it from the remote server. As all of the core part of Git is written in C, which mainly ignores runtime overheads associated with other high-level languages.
As from previous text we have mentioned that Git was developed to work on Linux kernal so, it is capable enough to handle large repositories effectively. And from start of the Git there primary goals is speed and performance.

(6)Maintain the Clean history
It is one of the best helpful feature of Git as Git facilitates with Git Rebase. And this takes the latest commits from master branch and puts your code on top of that. Which means this will maintains a clean history of the project.

(7)Data Assurance
When we say about the Git data model it alwasy ensure that every unit of your project ensure the cryptographic integrity. And this will provides a unique commit id to every commit you do in Git and this is done through SHA algorithm. And you can retrieve and update the commit by commit ID. And when we say about the other centralized version control system not much of system provides such integrity by default.

(8)Supports non-linear development
When we say about the Git it supports seamless branching and merging, which mainly helps to visualizing and navigating a non-linear development. When we say about the branch in Git it represents Git branch as a single commit. And we can construct the full branch structure with the help of its parental commit.

(9)Staging Area
When we say about the Staging Area in Git it is one of the unique functionality of Git. We can also considered this as a preview of our next commit, moreover, an intermediate area where commits can be formatted and reviewed before completion. And whenever we make a commit Git takes changes from staging area and make them as a new commit. And in Git we are allowed to add and remove changes from the staging area.
When we say about the staging area in Git is can be considered as a place where Git stores it changes. Although we do not have a dedicated staging directorywhere it can store some objects representing file changes (blobs). Instead of this it uses a file called index.
ANother feature of Git which makes it apart from other SCM tools is that it is possible to quickly stage some of our files and commit them without committing other modified files in our working directory.

Git Staging
(10)Branching and Merging
Another great feature of Git is branching and merging. This feature makes Git different from other SCM tools. And Git allows the creation of multiple branches without affect to each other. In Git we can perform tasks like creation, deletion and merging on branches and all of these tasks takes only a few seconds. Below are some of the silent feature which can be achieved by branching:-
(i)Here we can create a separate branch for a new module of the project and we can either commit or delete it whenever we want.
(ii)We can have a production branch, which always has what goes into production and can be merged for testing in the test branch.
(iii)Here in Git we can also create a demo branch for our experiment or testing and check if it is working. And we can also remove it if needed.
(iv)And one of the core benefits of branching is that if we want to push something to a remote repository, it is not necessary to push all of your branches. And here we have option to select a few of our branches or we can select all of them in one go.

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