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Difference between NFS and HDFS in BigData
Question Posted on 08 Jan 2021

Home >> BigData >> Hadoop >> Difference between NFS and HDFS in BigData

Difference between NFS and HDFS in BigData
Below are the four main difference between NFS and HDFS
(1)NFS:-With the help of NFS we can store and process small volumes of data.
(1)HDFS:-And HDFS is designed for storing and process the Big Data.

(2)NFS:-We store data in NFS in any dedicated hardware.
(2)HDFS:-Here we will divided data into blocks and that is distributes on local drives of the hardware.

(3)NFS:-In NFS when system is failed we cannot access the data.
(3)HDFS:-But in HDFS in case of system failure we can still the accessed the Data.

(4)NFS:-NFS runs on single machine and there is no chance for data redundancy.
(4)HDFS:-AS we know HDFS runs on cluster of machines so replication protocol may lead to redundant data.

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