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Dhoti Patiyala

Difference between ArangoDB and MongoDB
Question Posted on 19 Jun 2021

Home >> DataBase >> ArangoDB >> Difference between ArangoDB and MongoDB

Difference between ArangoDB and MongoDB
Below are the some of the most common differences between ArangoDB and MongoDB

ArangoDB Release in 2012MongoDB first release in 2009
ArangoDB is an example of Multi-Model database management systemMongoDb is one of the most poular document store Database example
ArangoDB support declarative query language like AQLWe generally use JSON syntax for queries in MongoDB
ArangoDB and MongoDB both support JSONArangoDB and MongoDB both support JSON
ArangoDB will support JSON and VelocyPack data formatsMongoDB support JSON and BSON data formats
We can use scale joins over different collections and instancesscale of joins over different collections and instances is not supported
ArangoDB have both Web Based and Cluster firendly GUIMongoDB doesnot have this feature
ArangoDB have different Features like Elastic Scalability, Zero Configuration and Native Apache Mesos supportMongoDB doesnot have this feature
FOr licence Apacahe 2/ CommercialFor licence AGPLv3 / Commercial
As we know its a Multi Model so this support document, graphs and key-pair values This support only document model

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