Article Topic SQL Query To Find Products Where Revenue Increased

SQL Query To Find Products Where Revenue Increased

Article Topic SQL Query To Find Products Where Revenue Increased?

Write down a SQL Query to find a product whose total sales revenue has increased every year. Here you also need to add product_id, product_name and category in the query output.

Below are the two table which are Sales and Product table.

And output should be like below this.

Table of Contents

(1)Step 1:- Check the Correct Product to return
(2)Step 2:- Use of predefine function
(3)Step 3:-Get difference in Revenue Change
(4)Step 4:- Use of Table Parameter
(5)Step 5:-Use of MIN and Group by clause
(6)Step 6:-Final Step

(1)Step 1:- Check the Correct Product to return

Now in first we will check which product-id is correct answer of our query that we need to create. So as per below image only product id 3 is correct as this have the revenue increased.

(2)Step 2:- Use of predefine function

In query we use predefine function which is LAG and syntax for LAG is given below

  LAG(expression,offset,default) which return Int

And below is the next step to run the query

  select ProductID,Year,Sales,LAG(Sales) OVER (Partition by ProductId order by Year) as RevenueChange from tblsale

And output of above query is below which also return RevenueChange compare to previoud years:-

(3)Step 3:- Get difference in Revenue Change

And below query is used which return the difference in between sales for product wise

  select ProductID,Year,Sales -LAG(Sales) OVER (Partition by ProductId order by Year) as RevenueChange from tblsale

And below is the output of above query

(4)Step 4:- Use of Table Parameter

Now we join this tablename with table to get the other column as gievn below

  with RevenueChange as
  (select ProductID,Year,Sales -LAG(Sales) OVER (Partition by ProductId order by Year) as RevenueChange from tblsale)
  select P.ProductID,P.NameofProduct,P.Category,R.RevenueChange
  from tblProduct P JOin RevenueChange R
  on P.ProductId=R.ProductID

and output of above query is given below

(5)Step 5:- Use of MIN and Group by clause

Now we use MIN and Group by clause to find the all value which have difference of sales in + or -.

  with RevenueChange as(
  select ProductID,Year,Sales -LAG(Sales) OVER (Partition by ProductId order by Year) as RevenueChange from tblsale
  select P.ProductID,P.NameofProduct,P.Category,min(R.RevenueChange)
  from tblProduct P JOin RevenueChange R
  on P.ProductId=R.ProductID
  group by P.ProductID,P.NameofProduct,P.Category

and output of above query is given below

(6)Step 6:- Final Step

Now the final keyword we use in Having min(R.RevenueChange)>=0 which will provide the output we need

  with RevenueChange as(
  select ProductID,Year,Sales -LAG(Sales) OVER (Partition by ProductId order by Year) as RevenueChange from tblsale
  select P.ProductID,P.NameofProduct,P.Category
  from tblProduct P JOin RevenueChange R
  on P.ProductId=R.ProductID
  group by P.ProductID,P.NameofProduct,P.Category
  having min(R.RevenueChange) >=0

and output of above query is given below

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